Sunday, June 29, 2014

Titus 2 Series - Part 1: Love Your Husbands and Children

This week shall be called "Titus 2 Week"! I'll be posting, as well as introducing you to other bloggers through their guest posts! Let's walk through Titus 2!

Today is about LOVE. Specifically, love your husbands and love your children. While each needs a different kind of love from us--whether we are wife or mother--we are commanded to love them!


One thing that strikes me about this passage is that Paul says for older women to TEACH younger women these things. That tells me that it may not come naturally! We think, "That can't be!" or "Of course I love them!" But maybe we just need regular reminding about it?

Our husbands need us, ladies! It was not good for the first man, Adam, to be alone. And it is not good for your man, your husband, to be alone.  He needs companionship--a friend--and you are to be his BFF! 

He needs someone to spend time with, to laugh with, and to be his lover.  And yes--when I say "lover", I mean lover.  Don't just be "willing", be "wanting" of your husband! 


I have read before that children look to their parents to give them a living example of who God is to them.  From birth, mothers nourish their babies, comfort them, provide for their needs, and look after them.  If a baby hurts for some reason, they almost always cry for "mama".  And she is there.

Around two years old, baby turns into toddler, and a switch flips.  He begins to look to daddy for guidance and authority.  It is at that point that mothers continue to nurture and teach. 

The most loving things we can do are to teach our children about the Lord and show them His kind of love.  It's the kind that lays down our lives for them. 

We put our dreams on the back burner sometimes, for a season, as we fulfill the calling to train our children and teach our children according to His Word.  It is worth it--and it fulfills the Great Commission when we share Him with our children!


I would love for this post to be FULL of comments on how YOU show your husband and your children love!  Tell me below, and be sure to come back again and read the other comments for more ideas!

1 comment:

  1. I show my husband love by massaging his feet and rubbing his head and neck when he is stressed. I look for special cards to buy him and look for deals on the treats he likes.
    My children are grown and in another state, but when they were at home, I would have an banana split night once a month


Love hearing from you.